WOMEN OF LIKE MINDS EMPOWERMENT INITIATIVE [WOLMEI] is an evolving and active passion which has been demonstrated in the last 10 years by the Visionary and was recently culminated into an Initiative. This decade long activities in the areas of Education, Community Health, Entrepreneurial Development, Leadership and Advocacy and the empowerment of Children, Women and Youths has further reiterated the need for a much more coordinated and focused approach towards ensuring maximum and sustainable impact are instituted .


There is a perceived view that Women are the second best, that women do not stand a chance particularly in Africa – having participated and interacted with several women at various local and international forums and competitions in the last decades I became convinced that the lingering labels of mediocrity, failure, third world etc were inconsistent with the strength, dynamism, ingenuity and excellence women epitomise.

Likewise, we are not unmindful of the challenges children and youth face in Nigeria and Africa at large, but are encouraged by the development of children and youth in western countries and would like to see the children and youths in Africa attain those heights. Clearly, this conviction has led me to champion the WOMEN OF LIKE MINDS EMPOWERMENT INITIATIVE [WOLMEI] as a veritable platform to illuminate and engender the uniqueness of our character, the beauty of our perspective and much more our intuitiveness to solve problems and create unusual solutions to the challenges we face. There is no time better than now hence the need to concert and aggregate WOMEN OF LIKE MINDS to make positive and conscious “H.A.L.E.” modelled actions starting out with our Centres of Influence, Communities, Cities, Countries and the Continent of Africa.


W      Willingness: to serve with a sense of responsibility 

O      Optimism: we see opportunities instead of challenges

L        Leadership: beyond positions but impact through location

    Malleable: strong yet flexible and adaptive to change

E        Empathy: to empower the disadvantaged

I         Integrity